Every child has the right to survive and thrive.
About the Global
Network of Religions
for Children
The Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) is a global interfaith network of organizations and individuals dedicated to securing the rights and well-being of children everywhere.
Recent News and Blog Posts
The Sixth GNRC Forum Concludes With Global Leaders Launching Abu Dhabi Call For Child Protection
Global Inter-Faith Leaders Appeal for a Safe, Secure and Sustainable World for Children
The Abu Dhabi Declaration on Building a Hopeful World for Children
The Impact of the network
56M faith leaders, adults, and children
What leaders are saying about GNRC
Our work in 68 countries
Strengthening and Reinvigorating the Network
In 2021, after 20 years of remarkable grassroots inter-faith work for children, the Secretariat carried out a comprehensive assessment of the entire GNRC network worldwide. We evaluated all key elements of the Network, including membership, connectivity, capacity, results, significance, and impact. We took stock of the GNRC’s successes, opportunities, and challenges over the last two decades, and mapped out the steps we intend to take to further strengthen our growing and evolving Network of over 1,200 organizations and individuals worldwide.
Mustafa Y. Ali, PhD, Secretary General, Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), and Director, Arigatou International – Nairobi
Ending Violence Against Children: Faith Communities
Five hundred and twenty six (526) participants from the world’s religious and spiritual traditions, girls and boys, women and men, from 70 countries, who together with representatives of governments, the United Nations, and international and grassroots organizations, met in Panama City, Panama for the Fifth Forum of the Global Network of Religions for Children. They discussed and committed to sustainable solutions towards what has become ‘a global epidemic’ of violence against children.
We invite GNRC coordinators and contact persons to apply funds for GNRC activities that promote networking for interfaith harmony, understanding, and cooperation to build a better world for children.
What We Are Reading
Faith and Children’s Rights: A Multi-Religious Study on the Convention on the Rights of the Child
We invite you all to read this comprehensive study of the Faith and Children’s Rights.