GNRC Second Forum

The GNRC held its second forum in Geneva, Switzerland in May 2004. The forum brought together 359 people, including thirty-eight children and young people, from sixty-eight countries and seven major religions for in-depth discussions on practical actions to be taken in each world region.
The Forum opened with a message from Rev. Takeyasu Miyamoto, inaugurator of the GNRC and President of the Arigatou Foundation, which was followed by remarks from distinguished guests.
The highlight of the second day of the Forum were presentations on the challenging realities facing children by three young people, Ms. Joanna Naegeli of Switzerland, Ms. Martha Naigwe of Uganda, Ms. Tamia Lema of Ecuador, and a presentation to the plenary session by all 38 young participants of their own Message of Peace. After this, the young people joined the regional sessions with the adults.
Reports on the discussions in the regional groups were presented for South Asia, Africa, Central Asia and the Caucasus, Middle East, East Asia, Latin America, and Europe. Each region made significant progress in working out action plans and recommendations for follow up after the forum. The GNRC also formally announced the establishment of the Interfaith Council on Ethics Education for Children and signed a program cooperation agreement with UNICEF to cooperate on a major joint study on, “The Child in World Religions.”
At the close of the forum, participants went to the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre for an interfaith prayer for peace for children of the world and for the world in general.