Success Stories


Colombia: One More Year of Unity and Fidelity in Action and Prayer

The Global Network of Religions for Children again summoned us to its great annual worldwide celebration: The Day of Prayer & Action for Children.

In Colombia it was celebrated on November 19 in Bogota, at the Menonite Church in Bogota. Representatives from different religions and organizations participated: Buddhists, Baha’is, Christians, Muslims, UNICEF, the Council of Religions for Peace, and Schools for  Peace. All these organizations were very grateful and willing to offer their services and disposition to come together for the common good, which we all choose: “Promote the rights of children, adolescents and youth.”

The action: The morning started with an awareness-raising speech about children’s rights, followed by games, music, activities, art, crafts, murals, and reflection. Project “Creciendo Juntos” closed this part with mime theatre. The prayer: The participants came together as one to call for peace for every child in the world that is a victim of any kind of violence, and that their innocence be respected. Regardless of belief or culture, each religious leader shared a prayer for peace for the children. The moment of prayer ended with all the children taking up a candle and forming a common light. Additionally, as an annex to the Prayer initiative, the GNRC Colombia committee and UNICEF had prepared a small tree at the entrance, and each participant was requested to hang a personal prayer petition. Following that, a moment of reflection and discussion.

The media were present at the celebration: Television broadcasting networks, magazines, and radio. They attended eager to receive information about the event.

Original article written by Mayerly Angarita
Co-coordinadora GNRC Colombia.

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