

Statement on Recent Escalation of the Conflict in Gaza

The rapid and alarming escalation of the conflict in Gaza in recent weeks is deeply distressing to people of all religious communities. The rocket attacks targeting civilians in Israel as well as the killing in the Israeli military’s retaliation are both gravely unacceptable to men and women of conscience everywhere. 

Members of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) throughout the world are particularly grieved and outraged by the deaths of more than 200 Palestinian children in the recent incursions into Gaza and the terrorization of Israeli children by the rocket attacks. GNRC members are filled with deep sadness and anger that the adult decision-makers engaged in this conflict are willing to spend the precious lives of children rather than find a just and peaceful accommodation of their disagreements. Wherever religion is used to justify violence, the GNRC is committed to redouble its efforts to ensure that all religions practice their deepest teachings about peace, compassion, mercy and love. 

One such effort is the establishment of a Day of Prayer and Action for Children by the World’s Religions. The GNRC has pledged to do its utmost to ensure that this day is used to help prevent the kind of senseless killing of children currently taking place. 

The time is now to resolve to work harder than ever before to preserve children’s lives and defend their rights, as we pray earnestly for an immediate end to the current violence and a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine.

On behalf of members of the GNRC
Keishi Miyamoto
Representative, Arigatou Foundation
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