

Workshop – Eradicating Poverty affecting Children, Pakistan, March 2012

GNRC Youth Pakistan a group of young people (from different religions) aged 16-25 established in February 2012 and to hold an one day workshop on “Eradicating Poverty affecting Children” with the moral support of GNRC Pakistan and GNRC South Asia as stated above.

20 participants from different religions/cultures/universities participate in the workshop with the spirit to discuss Eradicating poverty affecting children, its measure and plan to implement decision while go back in their institutes/fields. And also learn about GNRC and Learning to Live together.

The participation was as below:
GNRC Facilitator: 1
Facilitators to speak on topic: 2
Girls:    8 (one communication /media coordinator)
Male:    12

Agenda of workshop:
1. Introduction to GNRC
2. Understand each other.
3. How poverty is affecting children
4. Sharing experiences and initiatives
5. How to use LTLT for initiatives taken.
6. Learning log

Introduction to GNRC:
The Arigatou Foundation and GNRC are  introduced to the participants and the resource person from GNRC Pakista (David Paul) gives an overview about the The Arigatou Foundation /GNRC/Ethics Education for Children and Learning to live together and DPAC. Mission of Arigatou Foundation”To create a better environment for all the children of the world” and GNRC “To promote cooperation among people of different religion engaed in activities for fullfilining the the rights of children and contributing to their well-being.” are explained.

Understand each other:
In this part all the participants introduce their selves to the rest of the participant. Who they are and what they do. This gives opportunity to know and understand each other.
A Hope tree was made and all the participants were asked to come up with a hope that related connects to you or closed to the initiative you with came up with.
How poverty is affecting children
One of the facilitator delivers a presentation of about half an hour on the topic  more in depth to understanding about the poverty affecting children on the border aspect. And some solutions toward taking initiatives asked and discussed with participants.
ACTIVITY (Fun)  the MANGO MANGO song was sung at the end of the presentation to refresh the participants (learned from youth for peace workshop SRILANKA).

Sharing experiences and initiatives
All the precipitants were encouraged to share their experiences and ideas to help children so randomly formed four groups of the participants and 2 members from each group presents the initiative they  come up with.
Highlights of the initiatives
 – Giving tuitions to the government institutions students in grade 1-5 in the villages or under develop areas nearby once or twice a week.
 – To print some notebooks to sale with pictures of children and logo of GNRC youth, and from the profit will buy certain development books for children.
 – Sign Hope hands for the children to the different villages to stop violence against girl child. (Also done this in our workshop).
 – Interfaith games and events organizing for poor children.

ACTIVITY (Fun)  Sweet Dream (I have a dream what! what! what!  A DREAM) Activity was done after the sharing initiatives.
How to use LTLT for initiatives taken:
Sarmad Paul facilitator introduce them with the LTLT manual that what is it and how it can help to work with the children and young people and informs them very soon to arrange a proper training how to use it effectively, but inform that   you can read yourself it is very easy wording and provide them with the soft copy.

Learning log
Participants were asked to prepare learning log what you had learned so far in this participation.

Hope candles: Participants were asked flame a candle if you think the hope you broke from the hope tree and attach with a thumb pin with the candle.

SIGN the hands: participants singed the hands for stopping violence against the girl child and also write something for peace.

Word of thanks by GNRC Youth coordinator

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