

Panama implemented the Ethics Education Program at Aldeas SOS

GNRC Panama has taken on the commitment to the children of the “Aldeas Infantiles S.O.S.” to hold ethics education workshops throughout the year. A series of workshops will be implemented to contribute to the wellbeing of the children. WORKSHOP 1: Reaching the Stars (April 16, 2011).

Five boys and nine girls between the ages of 12 and 15 participated in the first activity. The objective was to enable participants to get to know each other, and how different they can be from each other. Participants learned that although very different, there were also many similarities and in this way they got to know themselves and each other, through interior and exterior contemplation.

Each participant drew a five pointed star. They were asked to describe themselves, based on five questions to explore their personal identity. Each of the responses to the questions were written on one of the stars five points, including: religion, favorite music, favorite place, the most important person to them, and their favorite activity.

When the stars were finished, they sat around and each explained their answers. Each one then looked for at least one point in common with the rest. The stars were then joined with colored yarn. This represented how similar and different we all can be.

Following was a reflection on how marvelous it is to have so much diversity and richness in the world; how although the stars seem to all be alike, we know they are different and how exciting this is.

Written by Isis Navarro.

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