An ancient Japanese tradition claims that a wish will come true if it is made after folding a thousand paper origami cranes. Our wish for the children of Japan and around the world: abundant wellbeing, health and life.
On March 16th, GNRC-El Salvador member-religions met to elevate prayers for the brothers and sisters in Japan. There were representatives from the Muslim community, the Catholic Church’s “Bartolome de Las Casas” Center, the Lutheran Church, the Reformed Calvinist Church, and the Bahá’í Community.
Youth and junior youth held an origami workshop with the children to create peace cranes, as a symbol of prayers to God, the Creator of the entire human race. The Muslim community offered their warm hospitality at the Dar Ibrahim Mosque, and at the end of the meeting a heartfelt prayer was said on behalf of all the representatives from the network’s participating religions. It was a plea for strength, health, protection and wellbeing, both material and spiritual, for the brothers and sisters that are currently suffering in Japan, and called to mind that God’s is all dominion, His is all strength, and the entire human race lies in the palm of his merciful hand. We are aware that we are fragile creatures and have no shelter save Him, no recourse save the shadow of His protection, guard and custody. His tests outwardly are fire and vengeance, but inwardly they are light and mercy because they draw us closer to Him, and remind us that this world was only given to us in trust, and we are only here in transit.
Our condolences for the temporary separation from those who passed on before us, and the reassurance that our loving prayers and positive thoughts go out to the members of the Arigatou Foundation, the Myochikai Movement, and the Japanese people as a whole.
Written by Gabriela Velis

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