

Haiti: Celebrating Rights of the Child

Human Rights must be insured for all human beings; children have the same rights as adults, generally speaking. But during childhood people deserve greater attention because at that stage they are particularly vulnerable.

Although, in a matter of days, Haiti’s inclement climate had left a toll of 12 dead, and incalculable material damages, the celebration of the International Day of the Child took place despite last minute changes in location and other inconveniences that were swiftly overcome by the team supporting Brother Armand, Coordinator for GNRC Haiti.

The final convened location was the garden area at the House of the Incarnation at Petite Ruche Cazeau, where over 400 children and youth gathered from various religious denominations: Adventists, Baptists, Catholics and Pentecostals. The MC of the event, Gary, was phenomenal and entertained the children, and the adults as well.

The topic of “Respect for Children’s Rights” had been discussed with the children, and there were different reflections, such as on the right to food, a home, respect, love, protection, identity, health, among others.

Pastor Edma gave the words of welcome and read from the Holy Scripture, and a little one in a wheel chair recited a prayer. Pastor Odenis Joseph Stone shared the story of GNRC and then the children to join him in song.

Mrs. Catheline of “Catholic Relief Services” (CRS) addressed the gathering regarding commitment to the rights of the child, followed by Marie-Carmel, secretary of Colmenar who also spoke on the occasion.

The children’s turn came, with different artistic expressions many of them under the leadership of Mr. St. Cyr, theatrical musician of Petite Place Cazeau.

In the end, delicious refreshments were shared, and many took to the stage to continue with the fun.

The commemoration was marvelous, not only for the children themselves, but for all who came to raise high the rights of the child. La Ruche and all the children were very grateful to IBESR, MAST, CRS, GNRC, UNICEF, and all those people who believe children have rights, particularly the right to participate in decisions that affect them.

Respect for the Rights of the Child! More than a slogan, an obligation.

Written by Anne Franck, Secretary General
GNRC Haiti.


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