

Ecuador Unites for Children

The Day of Prayer and Action was celebrated in the capital, with over a hundred children expressing the need for young people to be raised with love, and live free of violence.

The celebration of the Day of Prayer and Action for Children was held at the Prometeo Theatre in Quito. There were 150 children and adolescents attending from different schools in poor neighborhoods of the capital. Also attending were the Youth Pastoral Services of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Latin American Council of Churches, the Baha’i Community, Catholic Church, Salvation Army. The theme was “No to Violence in the Family and in School.”

The message of hope “Children of the Dawn” was presented in song and dance by students of San Jose School. Children of the Baha’i Community prayed for all children around the world. The youth from the Lutheran Church showed a video emphasizing the fact that all children need to be treated well, regardless of place of birth or color of skin. The Salvation Army presented the drama “Praise to the Lord” about the importance of sharing spiritual teachings with children. The representative of Cathedral stressed the need for authentic education at home and in schools, and that it be violence-free.

Then, the attendees stood to intone the Latin American Prayer, that had been handed out as people entered the theatre. Finally, delicious refreshments were served by an immigrant family.

Original report by Rita Simmons, GNRC Ecuador




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