

Cuba: Holguin Celebration of the Day Of Prayer and Action for Children

The eastern city of Holguin, Cuba saw prayer and action complement each other in two events: interfaith prayers at the Quaker Friends Church, and the action at a Children’s Hospital. Both activities were lead by pastor Maria Yi.

Sunday, November 21st the regular service at the Quaker Friends Church of Holguin hosted interfaith prayers, with 33 children and 84 adults attending. A profound devotional focused on the children.
Prayers were said during the litany for the violations and suffering that claim children as victims. This was followed by the song “Que canten los niños” (Let the Children Sing), interpreted through mime and dance by four girls, and then reflections, songs and prayers for children living in especially difficult circumstances, including prayers for the children of Haiti.

Prayers were said during the litany for the violations and suffering that claim children as victims. This was followed by the song “Que canten los niños” (Let the Children Sing), interpreted through mime and dance by four girls, and then reflections, songs and prayers for children living in especially difficult circumstances, including prayers for the children of Haiti.
Out of this moving celebration emerged new collective energies, testimony of new commitments to acting ecumenically, concretely in the service of children whose mothers are in prison, and for a program of physically handicapped children. The offering that was collected went to actions for children who are victims of cancer.

The Day’s actions concluded in this city on the afternoon of November 23rd, at the Holguin Children’s Hospital. The Day celebration became an action through a meaningful and stirring event that took place at the Oncology and Nephrology Room, with the participation of children undergoing cancer therapy. The program was called “Wear a smile and be happy.” It is important to note that this health institution gives systematic assistance to these children, as well as their parents who also participated in the celebration.

Pastor Maria Yi expressed her great satisfaction: “We arrived at 2pm, loaded with our many colored balls. Once we got to the rooms – where 43 children were waiting in expectation of a good time – we all felt like children. The program included songs, dances and games.” She added, “Amidst the pain that the children’s situation as cancer patients, we gave God thanks that in our country children receive medical treatment, despite being blockaded, fundamentally from access to medicine.”


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