

Cuba: Day of Prayer and Action for Children Interfaith Celebration at Council of Churches at Havana and Villa Clara

Lead by the Christian Institute for Gender Studies, the Day of Prayer and Action for Children was celebrated at four localities: Havana, Holguin, Campechuela and Villa Clara. This report covers the celebrations in Havana and Villa Clara.

On Monday, November 22nd at the national headquarters of the Council of Churches in Cuba in Havana, the work week began with a devotional meeting dedicated to the Day, with the participation of 17 religious leaders from the different faith-based communities that comprise this council. There were representatives from the Free Evangelical Church, the New Pines Church, the Methodist Church, the Morava Church in Cuba, the Presbiterian Church, the Cuban Nazarene Church, the Brotherhood of Baptist Churches, the Pentecostal Sanctity Church. The Baha’i Faith also joined the celebration.

The Council of Churches program included prayers for children, references to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and there was also a reflection based on the Bible and scripture interpretation, from the Christian perspective on children. This is how this important group of religious leaders were part of the celebrations of the Day.
On November 19 at Villa Clara a group of Roman Catholic youth joined youth and adult members of the Baha’i community, raising their voices together in prayer for children around the world. One of the participants at the meeting declared: “One could breathe the principle of the unity of Humanity and unity of Religions in one common Faith, what a blessing!”

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