

The World Day of Prayer and Action for Children celebrations in Jordan

In celebration of the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children (DPAC), The Ecumenical Studies Center, member of The Global Network of Religions for Children, held an interfaith prayer for the well-being of children and the dignity of their rights. The interfaith prayer to celebrate the World Day was held at 18:00 on Saturday, 27th November, 2010. The same event witnessed the launch of the Bag of Love Campaign, a Campaign organized and run by the members of the Fisher Program, the GNRC Youth Group in Jordan. The event included prayers from religious leaders of different faiths as well as prayers from children in a demonstration of solidarity and unity with the children of the world.

Religious leaders, non-profit organizations, schools and children renewed their shared commitment to protecting the inviolable dignity of children. The event started with a welcoming note from Rev. Prof. Dr. Qais Sadiq, GNRC Arab Sates Regional Coordinator and ESC President and a minute of silent prayer held by everyone present.

A presentation on GNRC and the World Day was followed by a candle-lit vigil that took place in the garden of ESC. Prayers composed by children were recited and the event ended with a small speech and prayer from HE Shiekh Hamdi Morad.

The Bag of Love campaign was launched in the presence of representatives of schools and organizations that joined the campaign. The idea was to gather food donations and give them to needy family and orphanages in Amman. 30 Schools have been invited to join the campaign as well as various community-based organizations in Amman.

Distinguished guests of the event included Dr. Amal Ayyash, Head Education Development Center of UNRWA, Mr. Tareq Khoury, former Member of Parliament, and HE Sheikh Hamdi Morad, University Lecturer, Mufti and distinguished Muslim Scholar and Activist.

Media Personnel also attended the event including Thomson Reuters and Petra News Agencies as well as Watan TV. The celebration has featured in various local newspapers including Al-Rai Newspaper and Jordan Times. Watan TV aired a reportage on the event as part of a news program on 28th November 2010.

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