

Peace Poem read on the International Day of Peace 2009 in Tanzania

Let the sun shine upon your face, let the water go through your feet
Let us not decrease our pace, for we are so close to success and farther
from defeat
Exchange smiles with your mates, have a seat
Have something to drink and eat
Shake hands, share a hug, peace be unto you my brother
This is where I come from, this is my story, embrace with one another
I am Tanzania, am Mozambique and I am Zambia
Welcome Kenya, Malawi, good to see you too Uganda
Jews Muslims Christians different roads towards the same destination
Peace in us with others one of the greatest salvations
Not only within Tanzania but through out African nations
Anything is possible just broaden your imaginations
Let’s fill the earth with a child’s laughter
Let peace among humanity undo all the disaster
Forgive others as you must be forgiven
Let peace on earth strike a smile on God’s face up in heaven
Why can’t a Palestine and a Jew share a drink
Just let the love of God float and the human hatred sink
Let’s make new memories, new good ones
peace within a nation is within a family,
fathers, daughters, mothers and sons
From neighbors too and a wise choice of words from our tongues
Teach and embrace love to all your young ones
Good ethics and morals are stronger weapons then the bombs and the guns

written by Kwame Chohollo, volunteer for GNRC

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