As Pope Francis visits the East African region in the next few days, let us be inspired in our work for children by his unifying messages about light and love. Speaking to Italian school children at risk of dropping out, Pope Francis told them about the importance of coming from the darkness into the light saying, “The light is always inside us. Because the light give us joy, gives us hope. When people seek light they can make the world a better place. We can’t make the world better with hatred – only with love. With love. With love. Altogether, like brothers, fighting alongside one another with love.”
As members of the GNRC many of us have played great roles in helping children let out the light in them. The intensity of evil in our world today however is so much so that it poses great danger to optimal actualization of the light in children. Without an equal or greater measure of our counter action, the light that exists within the children may fail to fully emerge, fail to fully shine. Children are the future. Let us all double our efforts to build a future so bright, peaceful and prosperous.