For the Dignity of Every Child

On the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP), today, the inherent dignity of children and young people around the world must be underlined. I am calling on all to take a moment and remember the millions of children living in situations of extreme poverty caused by conflicts, wars, exclusion, discrimination, and unfair and unjust practices.
Children are most affected by poverty. The natural place in which children survive, grow and thrive—the family, requires special protection. ‘Decent Work and Social Protection: Putting Dignity in Practice for All’ as the theme for IDEP this year, calls us to protect and cushion the institution of family against the vagaries of poverty.
Approximately 700 million people (accounting for 9.3% of the world’s population) survive on less than 2.15 USD per day, with an estimated 333 million children living in extreme poverty. This situation is unconscionable.
I take this opportunity to acknowledge GNRC members around the world who through the Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty (End Child Poverty) are committed to building a better world for children by working to eradicate child poverty.
I call on all stakeholders, faith and spiritual leaders, governments, and regional bodies to collaborate and commit to the noble cause of eradicating poverty from our society. This will allow children to live dignified lives, thrive and realize their full potential.
Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali, Secretary General, GNRC