The Vision and Mission statement for A World Day of Prayer and Action for Children has been announced and is available in several different-length versions. Visit this page to choose the one best for you.
A World Day of Prayer and Action for Children seeks to bring together people of religion and goodwill to safeguard the integrity, rights and dignity of children, and promote their survival, development, protection and wellbeing.
A World Day of Prayer and Action for Children is a movement involving people of religion and goodwill who are committed to work together to build a world fit for children. Inspired by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, committed to helping achieve internationally agreed goals for children such as the Millennium Development Goals, and guided by our religious traditions, we commit ourselves to protecting the rights of our children to live in safety and security. In our prayer, meditation, worship and action, we express our hope that the world can indeed be made fit for children. While prayer and action for children are certainly needed every day, we will celebrate Universal Children’s Day on the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child each year on the 20th of November with special prayers and common actions in support of projects that enhance the lives of children and young people.