

Sensitizing Children During COVID-19

On 7th April 2020, GNRC member St. Mary’s School, visited the Community Life Foundation, an orphanage in Islamabad Pakistan, for an awareness activity dubbed, “Keep children safe from COVID-19.” The two-hour activity, attended by 20 participants (17 children and 3 adults), aimed at empowering children with skills on how to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Children were taught on observing safety measures including self-isolation, maintaining hand hygiene, wearing a facemasks, keeping social distancing, and using a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing.

Led by the GNRC contact person, Mr. David Paul, children were taught how to wash their hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds with water and soap as directed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Pictures on staying safe during COVID-19 were also projected during the session. At the end of the activity, children were given facemasks.

The activity is part of St. Mary’s School efforts to empower children and youth with knowledge and skills on how to stay safe during the pandemic. The school plans to continue its sensitization on the online platform and also circulate flyers that people can learn from.

Pakistan St Marys Public School COVID19 2Mr. David Paul during the sensitization campaign
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