Arigatou International convened an annual meeting for all directors of the four initiatives on 25th February 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. The four initiatives of Arigatou International are: – Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), Ethics Education for Children, Prayer and Action for Children and Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty (End Child Poverty).
The previous year’s activities and prospective plans for the 2017-2018 activities were reviewed. Members were privileged to be joined by Rev. Keishi Miyamoto, President of Arigatou International and Convenor of the GNRC, at the meeting. Others in attendance were: – Mr. Shozo Fujita, Secretary General Arigatou International Tokyo, Dr. Mustafa Yusuf Ali, GNRC Secretary General and Director Arigatou International–Nairobi, Ms. Maria Lucia Uribe, Director Arigatou International–Geneva and Secretary General of the Interfaith Council on Ethics Education for Children, Ms. Rebeca Rios Kohn, Director Prayer and Action for Children and Arigatou International–New York and Rev. Fred Nyabera, Director Interfaith Initiative to End Child Poverty, among others.
The discussions also revolved around the upcoming Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) Fifth Forum to be held in Panama in May 2017. The annual meeting explored ways in which Arigatou International initiatives can contribute to ending violence against children globally. With two months left to the forum, all initiatives are working towards promoting the GNRC 5th Forum themed ‘Ending Violence Against Children Faith: Communities in Action’, in their various platforms.