Currently, Mrs. Sheran Harper is a Trustee and the Worldwide Parenting Trainer for Mothers’ Union. Prior to this, she has held several other offices in Mothers’ Union including Vice President of the Province of the West Indies and Diocesan President of Guyana.
Over the past twelve years, she has trained more than 350 parenting trainers and facilitators in twenty countries, provided guidelines for Faith Based Organizations to develop parenting education curricula and worked alongside religious communities in lobbying governments to advance legislation to protect children.
As a strong supporter of the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, she has advocated for child protection and reinforcing protocols to end all forms of punishment and violence in a range of settings. For three decades, Mrs. Harper has been an active leader in the church and within the community. More recently, she has served as a Commissioner on the National Commission for the Family and Director of a Ministry of Social Services/UNFPA/MU Family Life Project.
She will be participating in this years GNRC 5th Forum by taking part in a panel discussion focusing on Nurturing Spirituality and Ending Violence in Child Upbringing. She will be addressing the role of faith communities in this area.