

Joint Workshop on Child Rights and Child Protection

Search For Justice, a member of GNRC, organized a two-day workshop on 9th and 10th November 2017 for media, government officials and civil society organizations to discuss matters child rights and child protection. The workshop aimed at building the capacity of key stakeholders responsible for legislation, policy formulation and accountability related to child protection in Pakistan.

In reference to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Constitution of Pakistan, participants were made aware of Pakistan’s International obligation to protecting children’s rights. During the two-day event, GNRC’s work on securing a brighter future for children was shared, with main focus put on the Panama Commitments on Ending Violence Against Children, reached in May 2017 in Panama.

The participants shared their experiences on child rights violations, and suggested solutions to curbing them. As a way forward, they developed an Advocacy action plan and proposed some interventions, which they could adopt to end violence against children. Participants agreed to commit to sustainable ways to protect and promote children’s rights in the country.

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