Shanti Ashram, a member of GNRC, organized an Interfaith Council meeting from 10th to 14th August 2017 in Coimbatore, India. Members of the Interfaith Council had the opportunity to reflect on sustainable ways of ending violence against children and ways of implementing the Panama Declaration on Ending Violence Against Children in their community. Relevant topics regarding Ethics Education for Children and recommendations on the strategic plans for next three years were also discussed.
The interfaith council also met with the Arigatou International Directors led by Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali, the Secretary General for GNRC. They highlighted the organizations’ work aimed at making the world a better place for children in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. The directors had a chance to participate in the Coimbatore Peace Festival planned by Shanti Ashram.
Shanti Ashram also organized a post-dialogue meeting for youth, members of the interfaith council for children and the directors of Arigatou International on the topic of Global Citizenship. About twenty (20) children from Tanul Nadu gathered to share their views on what Global citizenship meant to them and how they could respond to challenges.