The GNRC Country Coordinator in Tanzania, Ms. Joyce A. Mdachi, was invited by the Zanzibar Interfaith Centre (ZANZIC) to facilitate the Women Interfaith Conference on, “The Role of Families in Building Social Cohesion and Preventing Violent Extremism,” on 30th and 31st March 2022. The two-day conference engaged more than forty-five (45) women from Islam and Christian religions from the districts of Chake Chake, Wete, Micheweni and Mkoani in Pemba.

The conference highlighted the need for positive parenting in child upbringing and in promotion of peace and sustainable development. The link between positive parenting and peaceful communities was the pick of the discussion on peace in an interreligious and intercultural society.
Emphasis was put on the sanctity of the children, their rights and some the violence against them. During her presentation, Ms Mdachi shared GNRC’s efforts in ending violence against children in Tanzania and beyond including the protection of persons leaving with disability. Specific attention was given to the GNRC’s milestone Fifth Forum on, “Ending Violence Against Children: Faith Communities in Action,” that came up with the Panama Declaration on Ending Violence Children. She highlighted the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in protecting children and young people and how their work is guided by the CRC and the GNRC Panama Declaration.
The implementation of the conference’ outcomes will go a long way in promoting social cohesion and preventing violent extremism in Tanzania and its environs.