Another moment of growth was witnessed on the 26th April 2018 when GNRC–Sierra Leone was established. Pr. Peter KB Alfred, Founder and Executive Director, Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone, the current GNRC Contact person in Sierra Leone, enlightened the participants about the workings of the GNRC and its structure. Members were taken through GNRC’s priority areas and goals including; Preventing Violent Extremism, Gang Violence and Organized Crime, Nurturing Spirituality in Child Up-bringing, Ending Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children, Ending Child Poverty and Supporting Vulnerable Children, and Building and Strengthening the GNRC Network.
The initial member organizations include the Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone, Women Actively Serving Humanity Sierra Leone, Maseray Children’s Foundation and Interfaith Network for Children’s Rights. The network members were elated to be part and founder members of GNRC–Sierra Leone and promised to be meeting at the end of every month to evaluate the progress of their work and discuss various activities in line with GNRC that are in line with the context of the country. Members also looked into ways to mobilize local resources to address violence against children.
GNRC–Sierra Leone aspires to conduct ethics education training for its members who will train teachers, parents, youth and children on positive morals and upbringing.