With the relocation of the global GNRC Secretariat to the new Arigatou International office in Nairobi, Kenya and the appointment of Dr. Mustafa Ali as the new GNRC Secretary General, GNRC members around the world can anticipate fuller support from Arigatou International for their volunteer interfaith activities for and with children.
With a new full-time Secretary General and stronger secretariat staffing, Arigatou International aims to encourage and promote action-oriented initiatives emerging from networking at various levels (local, national, sub-regional and regional) from a larger number of GNRC members. Any GNRC group or member willing to initiate action for children through interfaith cooperation is welcome to directly communicate with the new GNRC Secretary General and his staff at the GNRC Secretariat for advice and support. Such active GNRC members can submit requests for project-based financial support from Arigatou International to the GNRC Secretary General directly and receive technical advice on project management. Requests for support that maximize synergies among Arigatou’s global initiatives and involve many partners will be given priority. The Directors of Arigatou’s other global initiatives – Ethics Education for Children, the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children, and Mobilizing Faith-Based Resources to End Child Poverty – will also be available to GNRC members for technical advice and support in planning and organizing concrete actions under each initiative.
Arigatou International expects this change to foster even more dynamic networking for interfaith cooperation for children and thanks the existing GNRC coordinators for their years of tireless volunteer service and their continued cooperation as the GNRC continues to grow and change.