

Conflict Transformation in Romania

Every year, Sol Mentis, a member of GNRC, is invited to implement Learning to Live Together (LTLT) program by public schools in Pantelimon, Bucharest, during summer school. The activity is mostly organized for the destitute children in the community. This year’s training focused on violence against and among children as a step towards implementing the Fifth Forum commitments reached in Panama, in May 2017. GNRC–Romania conducted 40 sessions, reaching one hundred and fifty (150) Romanian and Roma students aged between 6 and 14.

The objectives of the sessions were to offer to students a new perception of conflict management and equip them with effective methods of assertive communication. The training sessions also aimed at teaching children to appreciate other faiths. Participants’ response to the program was positive as they showed interest in listening to lectures, contributed to answering questions and gave their opinions on discussion topics.

Participants were also enlightened on the Fifth Forum’s outcomes and they acknowledged the efforts put by the world religious leaders in implementing sustainable peace. GNRC–Romania plans to use The Panama Declaration on Ending Violence Against Children as a tool to advocate and implement peace throughout the year’s activities.

After the training, children vowed to be ambassadors of peace by teaching other children what they learnt.

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