Message from Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali, Secretary General, GNRC,
On this World Children’s Day

Children are a gift to society, and everyone ought to provide them with a dignified present and a hopeful future.
On this World Children’s Day, while we celebrate the many strides and achievements, we have made to make the world a better place for children, we are sadly witnessing many situations around the world where children are targeted and harmed in the most appalling ways.
Many children continue to be subjected to different forms of violence, which affect their childhood and ultimately, the quality of their adult life. Many are targeted in the most horrifying ways, in many ongoing armed conflicts around the world.
It is inexcusable that 69 years after the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and 34 years after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, children continue to face grave violations of their rights.
I call on every individual, organization, government, faith communities and their leaders to act in upholding and advocating for the rights and well-being of children, everywhere.
Let us all work to build a world where every child can LIVE and THRIVE.