We remember and honor the life and legacy of H.E Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, who passed away on 5th July 2018, and who was a friend of the Arigatou International family.
Cardinal Tauran was President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, leading the relations with representatives from different religions and building bridges of mutual understanding and respect.
In his recent message to the Fifth Forum of the GNRC held in Panama in May 2017, Cardinal Tauran recalled: “As religious leaders, we have a shared moral responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of our children. Therefore, it is our duty to guide and transform the hearts of our followers to respect the sacredness of human life, especially the lives of children“.
We join the Catholic community in a moment of silence for his life, hoping that his legacy and words will continue guiding interfaith relations around the world.