December 11, 2011

World Day of Prayer and Action celebrated by children from the Somalia-Kenya-Ethiopia border town

The celebration the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children in Mandera was organized by the Student Peace Club Union in Mandera.  Activities included working with primary, and secondary schools. The goal was to bring children and teachers together along with religious leaders to pray.  This provided the participating groups an opportunity to understand

World Day of Prayer and Action celebrated by children from the Somalia-Kenya-Ethiopia border town Read More »

Ethiopia celebrates the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children in 2011

The African Council of Religious leaders —Religions for Peace(ACRL—RfP) in conjunction with the Ethiopian Interfaith Forum for Dialogue Development and Action (EIFDDA) and GNRC Africa  organized a forum in Axum Hotel, Addis Ababa on the 25Th of November, 2011 to mark the World Day of Prayer and Acton for children (DPAC). The day’s proceedings were

Ethiopia celebrates the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children in 2011 Read More »

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