GNRC Children’s Committee 2022-2023

South Africa
I am Busisa, aged 17 living in South Africa. I am currently doing grade 11 going to grade 12, year 2023, at a Catholic secondary school near Durban.
I come from a home where Christianity and African spirituality are homogeneously practiced. I love reading books characterized by political economics and other books which seek to serve as an ideological enrichment. I spend part of my time listening to music. A South African well-known genre called Amapiano, this genre serves as a great source of inspiration to many young people in my country, hence I am in love with it. Amapiano has unleashed many families from the shackles of poverty, it is the music that brings the fullest out of the little that we have.
When I reflect about my country, in terms of the status quo I wouldn’t say the society I live in is a perfect society, rather it is a society embodied with imperfections. Especially economic deficiencies, which define the basis of all what governs it, namely the political instability, rates of crime and corruption, rate of literature and the level of domestic violence, amongst others. This is the reason why I joined the GNRC Youth Peace Forum-to change the status quo of my society.
In 10 years from now, I envision myself living in an egalitarian society in which the monomers will be my contributions, as I continue to live up standing up for children´s rights and their protection, where we have utterly fulfilled the CRC for every child. I shall always stand up for what is just, eliminating all forms of exploitation and subjugation around the world.
My hitherto biggest goal is to transform what transpires to be the ‘Status Quo’ through any means necessary on a global basis but moreover, based on African context because wherever the African child maneuvers, tends to remain the subject of all forms of subjugation. This resonates to why I am very pleased to participate in the GNRC South Africa. It is to get a global perspective from ordinary peers around the globe on how they view the oppression we face as African black people, across the continent and the diaspora.
My greatest wish by being part of this committee is that by the end of this tenure I would possess strategies on how to address the issues my country continues to face, especially in relation to young people.
In conclusion I would love to tell all the young people out there that at times isolation, humiliation and the diminishing of character become your friend when you stand up for what is ethical, such instances should not disfigure our vision. As young people let us be at the vanguard of our era and build a castle out of the stones, they keep on throwing at us.
December 2022