GNRC Children’s Committee

The GNRC Youth Committee for the Promotion and Realization of the Rights of the Child is a group of young leaders (aged 14 to 18) that are engaged in Arigatou International as interns from April to December.
Every year, since 2019, Arigatou International launches a call for applications to integrate the GNRC Youth Committee which, among other things, provides support and inputs to the initiatives developed by Arigatou International, particularly the ones related to children’s safeguarding, participation, and empowerment.
Together with their local GNRC groups, these young leaders are also involved in local projects towards promoting the rights of the child, ending violence against children, finding peaceful solutions to conflicts in their communities, and overall building a better world together.
Every year, the members of the GNRC Youth Committee are in charge of a specific campaign to promote the rights of the child. In 2019, the GNRC Youth Committee was involved in local and global activities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The GNRC Youth Committee 2020 is involved in raising awareness about online child exploitation and abuse, and in promoting safe practices for children when they navigate on the internet.
GNRC Children’s Committee 2022-2023

My name is Aisha, I am 15 years old, and I am from Mauritius. I like to make new friends and I am a curious person who likes to explore new things, discover new cultures and lifestyles and go on adventures.

South Africa
I am Busisa, aged 17 living in South Africa. I am currently doing grade 11 going to grade 12, year 2023, at a Catholic secondary school near Durban.

My name is Lucia, I am 18 years old and I am from Venezuela but I have been living in Ecuador for 5 years. I am a very kind and empathic person, someone who cannot avoid helping other people since I consider their pain as my own.

My name is Thinley, and I am 18 years old, from the country known as Bhutan “The Last Shangrila”. I am self-confident and very determined to serve my nation in any aspect. I see myself as a very honest and hard-working boy.
The Committee Projects
Every year, the committee members have a theme to inspire their joint work with Arigatou International. In 2019, the GNRC Youth Committee carried out several local activities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
The four members of the committee visited schools, organized contests, art workshops, gatherings, and talks to advocate and raise awareness among local children about their rights.
The members also contributed to the development of a new microsite within Arigatou International’s website named “All for Children” that was launched as part of the commemorations for the anniversary of the CRC. The microsite aims to share experiences and knowledge about children’s safeguarding, participation, and empowerment.
The theme that inspires the work of the GNRC Youth Committee 2020 is “cyber-care”, or safe practices for children while they navigate on the internet. The members will go through a capacity building program on the concepts and principles of child rights, and they will build more knowledge and skills on how to lead activities with their peers and how to mobilize them. By the end of the year, they are expected to have engaged in a series of activities to raise awareness about online child exploitation and to promote “cyber-care”.
Call for Internship
The GNRC Youth Committee is formed by young members of local GNRC groups from different countries, cultures, and faiths, from all around the world. To select the group, a call for internship is launched at the beginning of every year and all young members of the GNRC are welcomed to apply to this opportunity.
In 2019, 28 children and young people from GNRC local groups applied to the internship, and 10 of them were interviewed for the position. After a careful selection process, four young leaders were selected to integrate the committee.
In 2020, 50 children and young people applied to the internship and 13 interviews were conducted with shortlisted candidates. Finally, five young leaders were selected and they started their involvement in April 2020.
A new call for internship is expected to be launched in 2021.