The GNRC Secretariat
The GNRC Secretariat is based in Nairobi, Kenya. It provides technical assistance to GNRC members around the world; promoting and coordinating their efforts to build a better world for children.

In steering the Network, the Secretariat is guided by a Strategic Plan that sets out five strategic priorities as identified by the 2020/2021 Network-wide assessment. These priority areas are:
Building a better world for children by strengthening and reinvigorating the GNRC Network is the first strategic focus area. It includes:
- Developing and strengthening Network connectivity
- Improving and strengthening Network capacity
- Increasing institutional membership and improving Network religious balance
Learn more HERE
Making the GNRC’s programming and activities more responsive to the needs of children in the poorest, most discriminated-against, underserved communities is the second strategic focus area. The GNRC’s key program areas are as follows:
- Peace building, preventing violent extremism and hate crimes
- Ending sexual exploitation and abuse of children
- Ending child poverty and supporting vulnerable children
- Nurturing spirituality in child upbringing
- Taking action to address climate change and global warming
Learn more HERE
Building a better world for children by strengthening GNRC communications and outreach is key to ensuring the Network’s success. Thematic areas under this strategic focus area include:
- Improving and ensuring increased outreach through online resources and the GNRC website. Optimum use of the Network’s five working languages — Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish– to reach grassroots members and global audience
- Strengthening GNRC Network communications through social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms)
- Improving advocacy and outreach through mainstream media and other like-minded organizations media outlets
- Developing tools, including digital platforms and apps to improve its brand and ease of communication
Strengthening the dedicated Secretariat to support attainment of goals envisaged by this strategic plan will ensure the GNRC’s success and continued contribution to building a better world for children. A highly adaptive, flexible, professional, responsive, and supportive secretariat is necessary to realize the GNRC Goals.
- Staffing the GNRC Secretariat with a diverse, professional staff from various faiths and spiritual traditions and regions
- Building a GNRC administrative staff team that is well trained, flexible, professional and able to communicate using all relevant communication platforms
- Ensuring the GNRC Secretariat can support the GNRC Network in all the five languages used by the GNRC Network
Building a better world for children by improving access to human and financial resources, and partnership development is the Secretariat’s third strategic focus area. Actionable aeras under this strategic focus areas include:
- Mobilizing financial resources to support the GNRC Secretariat and GNRC members’ programs
- Mobilizing human resources to support the GNRC Secretariat and the GNRC Country Committees
- Inviting faith organizations and religious leaders to work with the GNRC at the grassroots, national, regional and global levels
- Outreach to international, regional and national organizations working to address challenges children face