Shining Ever Brighter


Benevolent activities grow naturally from the lifestyle of “prayer and practice” advocated by Myochikai. After four decades of assisting people inneed in various ways, in 1990 Rev. Takeyasu Miyamoto established the Arigatou  Foundation as a faith-based NGO dedicated to creating a better environment for children around the world. The activities of the Arigatou Foundation are all rooted in Myochikai’s recognition that children are the treasure of humanity, the inheritors of the Earth, and the bearers of future peace.

Since its founding, Myochikai has consistently endeavored to realize the vision of its founder—contributing to lasting world peace. For Myochikai, Rev. Mitsu Miyamoto’s founding proclamation expresses the essence of Buddhist teaching and practice for building peace. Myochikai members seek to follow her dedicated example of selfless service and her practice of mercy and unconditional love. To this end, they follow the four primary teachings, which spring intrinsically from the heart of the founding proclamation. For Myochikai members, the practice of each one of the primary teachings, in its own way, directly contributes to peace for individuals, families, societies and the world.

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It was in February 1945, very near the end of World War II, that I had the great fortune to meet Rev. Kohei Miyamoto, whom Myochikai members revere as Daionshi, or great spiritual leader. Not long after, I began a new life with the Daionshi and his wife, Rev. Mitsu Miyamoto. At that time, they were poor and unknown ordinary people, but I was deeply impressed by their passion and devotion to the Buddhist faith.

The Daionshi was totally selfless, free from complaints and frustrations, and constantly exuded a deep gratitude for all things. During the severe bombing of Tokyo near the end of the war, he kept a lonely vigil at the head temple of the religious organization to which he belonged. Despite suffering burns in the explosions, he stayed there, risking his life to protect the spiritual treasures in the building. This kind of unwavering faith—and putting it into practice—is the essence of the spirit of Myochikai.