The Network
The Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) is a global-scale interfaith network of organizations and individuals specifically dedicated to securing the rights and well-being of children everywhere.
GNRC members come together to work for and with children across the globe, implementing a wide variety of interfaith cooperation projects with each contributing their unique experience with children’s issues as well as passion for the well-being of children, together building a worldwide platform for addressing the urgent challenges children face today.
Across the GNRC, members share a set of common priorities in their work for children at different levels — local, national, sub-regional, regional, continental and global. Our initiatives and programs make the most of Arigatou International’s Ethics Education, Prayer and Action, and End Child Poverty initiatives, and are often designed to address more than one of these key themes: empowering children and young people, providing peace education, ending violence against children, combatting child poverty, promoting child rights, countering violent extremism, and protecting the natural environment.
GNRC members come from all of the world’s major religions and many other spiritual traditions. We welcome partnerships with all who share a commitment to making the world a place where every child can enjoy not only the right to survive, but also to thrive. Together, we strive to empower children and young people to make positive contributions of their own to a world of peace and dignity for all. We believe both prayer and action are essential to realizing this vision, and seek to practice both, as individuals and in communities, in all of our work for and with children.
The work of the GNRC is facilitated and supported by the GNRC Secretariat at Arigatou International – Nairobi.

Success Stories
In their heart of hearts, all people know that every child is a sacred gift, an inheritor of the Earth, and a messenger of hope and…

Mission & Vision
As a dynamic, worldwide alliance of religious organisations and people of faith and good will, we are continually inspired by deep conviction to uphold the rights and dignity of children…

History of the GNRC
The GNRC was inaugurated in May 2000 by the Arigatou Foundation, an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the United Nations. In 2012, the Foundation…