

Interfaith Prayer for a Peaceful World for Children

“It is the responsibility of religious leaders and their communities to work together to change today’s world of violence and help create a peaceful environment for children.” – Rev. Keishi Miyamoto

On December 19, 2023, Arigatou International hosted a virtual Interfaith Prayer for a Peaceful World for Children, organized by the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC). The Interfaith Prayer brought together faith and spiritual leaders, faith-based organizations, children, and individuals from diverse backgrounds, to pray for children affected by ongoing conflicts and wars around the world.

The event was moderated by The Most Rev. Julio Murray, Bishop of Panama and Primate of the Anglican Church in the Central America Region. Faith and spiritual leaders, and children from eight faiths; Bahai, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islam, Indigenous Traditions, Judaism, and Sikh, offered their prayers respectively.

The faith and religious leaders included Ms. Bani Dugal, principal Representative, Bahá’í International Community, Venerable Galkande Dhammananda Thero, Executive Director, Walpola Rahula Institute for Buddhist Studies, Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World Council of Churches (WCC), Dr. Kezevino Aram, President, Shanti Ashram, Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome, Secretary General, Centre for Sustainable Conflict Resolution, and Legal Advisor, Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims, Ms. Ruth Kamuna, African Traditional Religion, Malawi, Rabbi David Rosen, Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House, Abu Dhabi, UAE and Bhai Mohinder Singh, Chairman of the Nishkam Group of Charitable Organizations.

Addressing 250 participants, Rev. Keishi Miyamoto, President, Arigatou International, and Leader of Myochikai, reiterated in his message delivered by Mr. Hironari Miyamoto, Secretary General, Myochikai, that it is the responsibility of religious leaders and their communities to work together to change today’s world of violence and help create a peaceful environment for children, and emphasized that more and more people joining together, overcoming all differences, to join in praying for peace is the beginning of the path to a peaceful world for children.

GNRC Secretary General, Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali expressed his trust that faith communities can restore the lost hope. He thanked GNRC members who offered their prayers and continue to act in helping affected children around the world.

During the event children’s voice from “A Call for a Peaceful World from Children” during the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children in Mumbai in November 2023 was shared;  “We deserve to be in a peaceful society where our rights are safeguarded by you, the adults.”

The Interfaith Prayer concluded with a poem shared by a child representative from the Democratic Republic of Congo, expressing his sincere hope for a peaceful world for children.