GNRC Coordinators and Contact Persons
The work of the GNRC is facilitated through the efforts of many GNRC Coordinators and Contact Persons, each of whom has stepped forward to offer his or her experience with children’s issues, passion for the well-being of children and coordination skills to assist GNRC members in developing interfaith cooperation projects, working for and with children and young people.

Ms. Sandrine Nkurunziza
Contact Person, GNRC Burundi APDEJ Turashoboye

Mr. Alexander Gwanvalla
Contact Person, GNRC Cameroon. Community Green Engagement Cameroon

Mr. Akim Said M’changama
Coordinator, GNRC Comoros. Director, Conseil de la Paix

Mr. Jonas Habimana
Contact Person, GNRC DR Congo Bureau d’Informations, Formations,’’BIFERD’’

Ms. Yvette Munyerenkana
Contact Person, GNRC DR Congo

Mr. Eyob Yishak
Contact Person, GNRC Ethiopia Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus

Mr. Emmanuel Ametepey
Contact Person, GNRC Ghana Youth Advocates, Ghana

Sh. Ramadhan Aula
Coordinator, GNRC Kenya Director, Centre for Sustainable Conflict Resolution (CSCR)

Mr. Belall Maudarbux
Contact Person, GNRC Mauritius

Mr. Muhammad Yassine
Contact Person, GNRC Mozambique

Ms. Natasha Kanguatjivi
Contact Person, GNRC Namibia

Sr. Agatha Chikelue
Contact Person, GNRC Nigeria

Ayoub Nsanzintwali
Contact Person, GNRC Rwanda Umbrella for Vulnerable

Mr. Ba Abdoul Aziz
Contact Person, GNRC Senegal. Movement for Peace and Harmony, Senegal

Ptr. Peter Alfred
Coordinator, GNRC Sierra Leone Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone

Mr. Abdiweli Waberi
Contact Person, GNRC Somalia. African Youth and Child network for Human Rights

Ms. Saydoon Nisa Sayed
Coordinator, GNRC South Africa

Bishop Martin Mogga Ifoga
Contact Person, GNRC South Sudan, Hands of Grace

Ms. Joyce Mdachi
Coordinator, GNRC Tanzania

Geoffrey Omony
Coordinator, GNRC Uganda Youth Leaders for Restoration and Development

Ana de Medio
Coordinator, GNRC Argentina Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI)

Rabbi Pablo Berman
Coordinator, GNRC Brasil Comunidade Judaica do Paraná

María José Ananías
Coordinator, GNRC Chile Asociación Chilena de Diálogo Interreligioso

Luis Alberto Rubiano
Contact Person, GNRC Colombia Iglesia Luterana

Alicia Sevila
Coordinator, GNRC Cuba Fraternidad de Iglesias Bautistas de Matanzas

Cándido Heredia
Coordinator, GNRC Dominican Republic Muchachos y Muchachas con Don Bosco

Mr. Marco Laguatasi
Coordinator, GNRC Ecuador

Larry Madrigal
Coordinator, GNRC El Salvador

Lorena Coy
Coordinator, GNRC Guatemala

Sr. Diana Garcia
Coordinator, GNRC Mexico

Azucena Lopez
Coordinator, GNRC Nicaragua

Isis Navaro
Coordinator, GNRC Panama

Esperanza Principiom
Coordinator, GNRC Peru

John Hamilton
Coordinator, GNRC Uruguay

Ms. Ismeta Begic
Coordinator, GNRC Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Director, ”UZ” Mozaik

Ms. Ana Žnidarec Čučković
Contact Person, GNRC Croatia Nansen Dialogue Centre

Ms. Natalia Seriakova
Contact Person, GNRC Germany Founder and Director, JuBuK

Mr. Dragi Zmijanac
Coordinator, GNRC Macedonia, and Director, First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi

Ms. Angela Chicu
Coordinator, GNRC Moldova. Association of Professional Women from Moldova

Ms. Sabra Decević
Contact Person, GNRC Montenegro Djeca Crne Gore-Children of Montenegro

Ms. Laura Molnar
Coordinator, GNRC Romania Education For Change

Mr. Srdjan Vlaskalic
Coordinator, GNRC Serbia Sombor Educational Center

Ms. Sonia de la Puente
Contact Person, GNRC Spain

Dr. Reham Abdullah
Contact Person, GNRC Egypt Al Azhar University Observatory

Ms. Evi Guggenheim Shbeta
Coordinator, GNRC Israel Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam

Mr. Khaled Batarseh
Coordinator, GNRC Jordan. Arab Woman and Child for Training and Development

Mr. Jameel Hassan Faraj
Contact Person, GNRC Iraq. Human Healing Organization

Fr. Abdo Raad
Coordinator, GNRC Lebanon Annas Linnas

Mr. Rojer Salameh
Coordinator, GNRC Palestine Arab Educational Institute

Ms. Marian Iskander
Contact Person, GNRC–Sudan St. George International School, Sudan

Mr. Tariq Al Amri
Coordinator, GNRC Yemen Charter for Compassion Yemen

Dr. Fozia Alvi
Contact Person, GNRC Canada President, Humanity Auxilium

Rabbi Diana Gerson
Coordinator, GNRC USA Associate Executive Vice President of the New York Board of Rabbis (NYBR)

Sage Williams
Contact Person, GNRC USA Project Manager, Religious and Spiritual Advisory Panel, All The Children

Mr. Phurba Sonam Waiba
Coordinator, GNRC Bhutan Young Writer’s Society

Mr. Gopal Vijayaragavan
Coordinator, GNRC India Shanti Ashram

Ms. Nerlian Gogali
Coordinator, GNRC Indonesia Mosintuwu Institute

Dr. Shazmin Rafeeq
Coordinator, GNRC Malaysia I CAN Malaysia

Ms. Fathimath Afiya
Contact Person, GNRC Maldives. Maldivian Network for Empowering Women

Dr. Chintamani Yogi
Coordinator, GNRC Nepal Peace Service Centre

Mr. Iftikhar Mubarik
Contact Person, GNRC Pakistan Director, Children’s Advocacy Network

Mr. David Paul
Contact Person, GNRC Pakistan St. Mary’s Public School

Bai Rohaniza Sumundad-Usman
Contact Person, GNRC Philippines Teach Peace Build Peace Movement

Ms. Lakshman Sashikala
Coordinator, GNRC Sri Lanka Sarvodaya Movement
Country Coordinators are expected to fulfill the following roles and responsibilities:
- Coordinate all GNRC activities within their respective countries;
- Design relevant programs, send regular programs proposals, advise on the level of programs priority, facilitate programs implementation, ensure compliance to GNRC rules and regulations, report achievements;
- Publicize GNRC programs in local media, update GNRC activities on the GNRC website and make regular posts on the GNRC’s social media platforms;
- Recruit new members, forge working partnership with other NGOs or CSOs, promote GNRC youth participation in GNRC activities and programs;
- Submit an annual budget proposal for their respective countries to the GNRC Secretariat;
- Communicate and update the GNRC Secretariat regularly.
Special appreciation is also due to the former GNRC Coordinators, who played very important roles in the development of regional initiatives for the GNRC, and remain actively involved as GNRC members:
- Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali – Africa, and Former Secretary General, African Council of Religious Leaders and Religions for Peace Representative for Africa
- Dr. V.S. Ariyaratne – South Asia, Executive Director, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, Sri Lanka
- Ms. Evi Guggenheim-Shbeta – Israel, Psychotherapist, Clinical social worker and Conflict Moderator
- Ms. Marta Palma – Europe, Former Advisor on Children’s Issues to the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches
- Ms. Mercedes Roman – Latin America and the Caribbean, Former Associate/Representative for UN Issues, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
- Rev. Archimandrite Prof. Dr. Qais Sadiq – Arab States, President, Ecumenical Studies Center, Jordan
- Ms. Dorit Shippin – Israel, Former Coordinator of “Doumia~Sakinah,” the Pluralistic Spiritual Center of Neve Shalom~Wahat Al Salam
- Ms. Razia Sultan Ismail – Central Asia and the Caucasus, International Convenor and Charter Member of the Women’s Coalition for Peace and Development and Former President of the World Young Women’s Christian Association
- Sr. Jean Pruitt – East and Southern Africa, M.M., Founder, Dogodogo Street Children’s Trust, Tanzania
- Mr. Fady Yarak – Arab States, Former Executive Director, Rene Moawad Foundation, Lebanon