Every child has the right to survive and thrive.
About the Global
Network of Religions
for Children
The Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) is a global interfaith network of organizations and individuals dedicated to securing the rights and well-being of children everywhere.
The Sixth GNRC Forum Concludes With Global Leaders Launching Abu Dhabi Call For Child Protection
The Impact of the Network

56M faith leaders, adults, and children

What leaders are saying about GNRC

Our work in 73 countries
Every child has the right to survive
GNRC Sixth Forum Welcome Remarks from Rev. Keishi Miyamoto
Many profound steps have been taken between the forums, but in particular, the speech made by Rev. Takeyasu Miyamoto, then-President of Arigatou International, to the United Nations in 2002 was a major milestone for Arigatou International and the GNRC, and it became a source of strength for further development. And now, today, we are here in Abu Dhabi for the GNRC Sixth Forum. I would like to thank all the people who have supported us as well as our dear friends who have passed away. You have made Arigatou International and the GNRC what they are today. Words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Keishi Miyamoto (Rev)
President of Arigatou International
Convenor of the Global Network of Religions for Children
Remarks by Dr Mustafa Yusuf Ali, Secretary General of the GNRC
The GNRC recognizes that children must be actively involved in shaping their futures.
As such, child and youth participation will be at the heart of this Strategy, its implementation, and all our efforts.
Our ambition is immense. With all of us working together—religious and spiritual leaders, their communities, GNRC members, bilateral and multilateral partners, youth, and children—we can indeed build a hopeful, safe, secure, and sustainable world for all children.
Let’s do it!

Report of the GNRC Sixth Forum
GNRC Around the World

We invite GNRC coordinators and contact persons to apply funds for GNRC activities that promote networking for interfaith harmony, understanding, and cooperation to build a better world for children.
What We Are Reading

Faith and Children’s Rights: A Multi-Religious Study on the Convention on the Rights of the Child
We invite you all to read this comprehensive study of the Faith and Children’s Rights.