

The Girl, Pearl of the Society

The world as we know it today is an endless circle of discrimination to the girl child. On a daily basis, countless number of girls undergo different forms of violence, leaving them hopeless and weak. There have been accounts of girls loosing hope in life due to the abuses they underwent. And despite the tremendous development in the world, girls continue to be traumatized. The rate at which girls commit suicide has increased over the years and the perpetrators go scot-free. Today is an opportunity to recognize and commend all the girls and women, who despite several obstacles and difficult situations in their lives have emerged victorious.

It is important to appreciate the over 1.1 billion girls who play a vital role in shaping the economy of our world. At Arigatou International we believe that every life matters and counts. This year’s International Day of the Girl (11th October, 2016), Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: What Counts for Girls, is set to measure, understand and highlight the opportunities and challenges which girls face with a view to proposing solutions to address them.

We believe that children can be positive change makers in their communities, if given a chance. The light has already started shining and the society is beginning to acknowledge the girl’s central place in the society. Rights such as: – education, security, sanitation, social needs, and gender equality among others are essential in a girl’s life. Faith Based Institutions, non-governmental organizations and Governments must work to ensure that girls from impoverished communities are helped.

The world is a safe place if we secure the future of our children. It all begins today.


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