Arigatou International’s President Rev. Keishi Miyamoto attends, and advises the Committee
GNRC 5th Forum International Organizing Committee
The 1st meeting of the GNRC 5th Forum Organizing Committee was held in New York on 25th and 26th January 2016. Rev. Keishi Miyamoto, Organizing Committee members and Directors of Arigatou International deliberated on the proposed plans for the GNRC 5th forum scheduled to take place in June 2017 in Latin America and the Carribean (LAC).
Rev. Keishi Miyamoto – President, Arigatou International
In his opening remarks, Rev. Miyamoto expressed hope that the GNRC 5th Forum will focus on the urgent challenges facing children, especially violence against children in all its manifestations. This paved way for the focus on the theme on Violence Against Children, proposed by the members of the Committee.
The Members of the organizing committee in attendance included:
- Dr. Susan Bissell – Director, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (New York, USA)
- Mr. Clovis Boufleur– Manager, Institutional Relations, Pastoral da Crianca (Curitiba, Brazil)
- Mr. Stefan Pleisnitzer –Vice President for World Vision Latin America
- Ms. Mercedes Roman – GNRC Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), (Quito, Ecuador)
- Ms. Marta Santos Pais – Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Violence Against Children (New York, USA)
- Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali – Secretary General, Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) and Director of Arigatou International – Nairobi, (Nairobi, Kenya)
- Mr. Andres Guerrero – Acting Secretary General, Ethics Education for Children and Acting Director of Arigatou International – Geneva, (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Ms. Rebeca Rios-Kohn – Director, Prayer and Action for Children and Director of Arigatou International – New York, (New York, USA)
- Rev. Fred Nyabera – Director, End Child Poverty – Arigatou International (Nairobi, Kenya)
- Ms. Silvia Mazzarelli – GNRC Network and Programs Manager for LAC (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
- Mr. Daniel Parell – Representative to the United Nations, Baha’I International Community
- Ms. Saphira Rameshfar – Representative to the United Nations, Baha’I International Community
- Ms. Masue Suzuki – Arigatou International – New York
Mr. Andrew Claypole (left), Ms. Silvia Mazzarelli and Ms. Masue Suzuki
(LEFT PHOTO) Ms. Mercedes Romanand and Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali (RIGHT PHOTO) Rev. Fred Nyabera (left) and Mr. Clovis Boufleur
Mr. Ted Chaiban, Director of Programs, UNICEF, Ms. Caterina Tino, Partnerships Specialist, UNICEF and Mr. Andrew Claypole, Senior Advisor, Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children, also joined them.
GNRC 5th Forum International Organizing Committee Members
The next meeting is scheduled to take place after five months, in Latin America.