GNRC Member, Dr. Chintamani Yogi and his team in Nepal distributed Relief supplies to people living in Nibuwa Gaun, Bhotechaur, Sindhupalchowk.
Dr. Yogi (Right) and team distributing relief supplies
Sindhupalchowk was one of the most affected districts by the earthquake and repeated aftershocks. The entire village was wiped out and there are hardly any habitable houses remaining in the more rural parts of the district.
Reports have it that out of one hundred and eighty (180) houses in the area, only three (3) survived the calamity and three precious lives were lost, one of them being a six day old infant. The entire village is a huge pile of rubble where once people’s homes stood.
The team shared messages of love, trust, harmony and unity. They sang, laughed, prayed for everyone and supplied 150 blankets and mosquito repellent coils to the affected families. The children were also treated to some biscuits.
Visit the following link to see more work that is being done for those affected by the catastrophe in Nepal and learn how you can support various initiatives.