

Empowering Youth in Interfaith and Multicultural Peace Action

GNRC members from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania participated actively in a youth exchange program on “Empowering Youth in Interfaith and Multicultural Peace Action” that took place at the Mariapolis Center in Castel Gandolfo, Italy from the 26th of October to the 1st of November 2015.

Fifty (50) young people and fifteen (15) facilitators participated in this event that ran in parallel to the Religions for Peace (RfP) Europe assembly that gathered around three hundred (300) people from all over Europe.


Youth taking part in various art activities

The program aimed at empowering young people of faith and other interested youth by providing them with interfaith and multicultural tools for preventing and eliminating xenophobia and intolerance. The project responded to the problem of a growing intolerance on religions and religious expressions, which is currently endangering societies in Europe.

Dr. Mustafa Ali and Ms. Masue Susuki represented Arigatou International in the youth exchange and the RfP Europe Assembly and they shared information about the GNRC and the Day of Prayer and action for Children.

Erasmus+ supported the youth exchange and the GNRC was one of the supporting partners through a financial contribution and the facilitation of various training workshops.








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