GNRC to Hold Fourth Global Forum in Africa
To be held in mid-2012, the GNRC’s fourth quadrennial forum will emphasize interfaith solutions to poverty’s impact on children. The global gathering will bring together religious leaders, child-rights workers, and civil society representatives from around the world. The global Organizing Committee for the forum, chaired by Dr. Mustafa Ali, GNRC Coordinator for Africa, will be meeting in May to further the preparations.
Get ready for the forum with a virtual visit to GNRC Africa!
The GNRC website has a new look! Visit to see the new global top page. From this multilingual “world map” top page, it takes just one click to select the language or region of the GNRC site you want to visit.
Just click the revolving title at the top of the page to visit the global GNRC home page in Arabic, English, French, or Spanish. Or click any GNRC region name in the language of your choice to visit the home page for that region in your preferred language.
The global home pages have also been redesigned for a more attractive, organized, and user-friendly look, in all four languages. Much more material about the GNRC worldwide is now available in all four languages.
A new statement of the GNRC’s vision and mission has also been added to the website under “About the GNRC.”
We invite you to visit the GNRC website often. Keep abreast of the latest news… in your language of choice! Just select the language you want using the “Languages” menu at upper right. There’s a lot going on!
New GNRC youth site launched:
Learn about the inspiring projects and activities that the young people involved in the GNRC are doing around the world. From Latin America to Africa and South Asia, from Europe, to Israel and the Arab States, GNRC youth are actively implementing the vision and mission of the GNRC in their local communities.
The youth site is multilingual, too, and it’s not just for youth, but for everybody! Find out more at!
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