

GNRC–Germany Holds Youth Exchange Programs

GNRC Member in Germany, Jugend, Bildung und Kultur e.V., partnered with Sustainable Rural Community Development Organization, Malawi to conduct two youth exchange programs, between 8th – 24th April 2019 and 5th – 20th August 2019, under the theme, “Act for Society.” The program, which took place in Chikwawa aimed at empowering young people in active participation, decision-making and inclusion skills. Forty eight (48) young leaders from Germany and Malawi came together to learn and exchange ideas. They discussed the most burning issues affecting youth and children in their countries and possible solutions to address them.

The meeting also identified existing realities in the field of human rights and fostered active participation of young people in both countries with focus given to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and GNRC Panama Commitments on Ending Violence Against Children.

The meeting created a safe space for the youth to express themselves on the topic of ending violence against children and youth. The program included simulation exercises, reflections, guided discussions, group work, theoretical inputs, and practical tasks on SDGs (group and individual), movies, brainstorming, study visits and meeting with experts, team building, and learning about the other’s culture. After every exercise there was a debriefing where participants reflected on their own learning and made conclusions.

On the last days of the project participants were divided into smaller groups where they discussed and planned concrete actions for positive change in their communities. The program was featured on local media including Shire Valley Online, Jugend, Bildung und Kultur e.V’s website, Go Fund Me website and social media.